Triple A Radio Breaking Rookie Stars
Triple A Radio memproduksi beberapa hits liga utama.Format ceruk (nama kecilnya adalah istilah untuk "alternatif album dewasa") dipelihara Billboard Hot 100 atas judul 2011,Adele 's "Rolling di Deep." Lagu ini menghabiskan 14 minggu di No 1 di chart Tiga Nielsen BDS berbasis A - peringkat pertama yang muncul sebelum menyeberang ke pop, dewasa dan bahkan R & B dan radio Latin.
Tiga kali lipat A juga diperjuangkan Gotye 's "Seseorang Bahwa aku Digunakan Tahu," yang menampilkan Kimbra, yang, awal tahun ini dipimpin Triple A selama 13 minggu dan Hot 100 selama delapan, membuatnya menjadi terdepan untuk terbesar Hot hit tahun ini 100 .
Tiga kali lipat A juga menyinari penghitungan baru-baru ini dirilis Nielsen SoundScan itu pertengahan tahun penjualan, di mana itu Adele 21 peringkat sebagai album terlaris dari paruh pertama 2012 (3,7 juta unit) dan menghancurkan Gotye yang diperoleh terlaris penghargaan lagu digital (5,5 juta download) . Keberhasilan "Seseorang" terutama menggarisbawahi penerimaan format yang pembengkakan artis baru. Tiga Perintah lagu A mulai streak 23-minggu aktif seniman memerintah pada kunjungan pertama mereka untuk survei (dapat dilihat di ).Berikut "Seseorang," Tentu Monster dan Men 's "Pembicaraan Kecil" memimpin selama empat minggu dan Alabama Getar '"Hold On" memerintah selama satu. Pada pekan ini, Lumineers '"Hei Ho" telah menghabiskan lima minggu di atas. Karena grafik meluncurkan minggu 20 Jan, 1996 sebelumnya telah empat rookie tindakan mencapai No 1 berurutan. Debut single lain menemukan sukses di format termasukBayangkan Dragons '"Sudah waktunya" (di No 2 minggu ini), Ed Sheeran"The A Team" (No. 3) dan Grouplove 's "Lidah Terikat" (No. 6).
Dominasi darah segar triple A tantangan reputasi format sebagai surga bagi tindakan batu dengan dekade-panjang discographies. Hanya satu artis muncul di peringkat triple minggu ini Sebuah Billboard grafik sejarah yang mendahului 90: Bonnie Raitt. Setahun yang lalu minggu ini, ada tiga (Paul Simon, Lenny Kravitz dan Mobil). Lima tahun yang lalu minggu ini, ada lima. Mengapa resepsi yang lebih menguntungkan dari seseorang itu bahwa kita sebelumnya tidak tahu? Cumulus San Francisco direktur FM pemrograman Dennis Constantine, yang mengawasi KFOG triple A, credits dampak era digital pada konsumen perilaku dalam membantu pertumbuhan artis baru. "Lebih dari sebelumnya, musik adalah tentang lagu Lebih banyak orang membeli download lagu individu daripada membeli sebuah album penuh.. Jadi, kita mencari baru, lagu kreatif dari seniman yang tidak dikenal." Triple A programmer dan eksekutif label promosi mengutip media sosial sebagai membantu mengungkap artis baru. "Internet, ponsel, Facebook dan Twitter telah mempercepat keakraban untuk pendengar yang menggunakan portal ini untuk penemuan musik," ujar Lauren MacLeash, PD dari Clear Channel milik KTCZ Minneapolis.
Sosial media telah didukung promosi single perdana Sheeran itu. "Kami hanya bisa mendapatkan Ed ke Nashville pada hari Senin dan semua tempat-tempat utama di sana terjual habis," kenang Atlantic Records direktur tiga Brian Sebuah promosi Corona. "Dengan (Tuned In-milik) hubungan WRLT dengan Bar 3 dan Lindsley and Grill, kami mampu untuk menjadwalkan sebuah karya 6 sore. Melalui media sosial messaging, ketika tiba di sound check pada 3, sudah ada lebih dari 200 orang di sana, berkemah dan berbaris di sekitar blok. "
Popularitas bangunan multi-seniman festival juga memainkan ke dalam kekayaan triple A dari bakat baru. "SXSW tahun ini adalah besar untuk Lumineers," kata direktur Dualtone promosi Lori Kampa. "Aku cukup beruntung berada di beberapa acara pertama band headlining sesudahnya dan fans bernyanyi bersama untuk hampir setiap kata." Selain itu mengutip synchs, termasuk Fox "American Idol," kata Kampa bahwa ketika Dualtone mulai mempromosikan "Hei Ho" untuk radio, kesadaran kelompok ini sudah tinggi. "Itu adalah catatan yang masuk akal bagi programmer untuk melangkah keluar pada karena kita telah membangun keberhasilan yang menakjubkan yang terus tumbuh." Yang terbaik, Chris Mays, PD dari Alpha Kink Portland, Oregon, merenung, triple pemrograman adalah " balancing tindakan "dari artis baru terbaik dan favorit tua:" Bagaimana Anda bisa menolak bermain Tombol Hitam bersama klasik Rolling Stones ? lagu " kata MacLeash bahwa keberhasilan saat ini tindakan triple A yang lebih baru akhirnya menjanjikan manfaat ke depan. "Musik Populer datang dalam siklus pendulum ini. berayun mendukung triple A, "kata dia. "Adele, Gotye,Jason Mraz dan lain-lain diterima oleh atas 40 berarti bahwa akhir muda ke dalam musik baru kita bermain. jangka panjang, itu sangat penting bagi kelangsungan hidup kita. "
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The niche format (whose nickname is shorthand for "adult album alternative") nurtured the top Billboard Hot 100 title of 2011, Adele's "Rolling in the Deep." The song spent 14 weeks at No. 1 on the Nielsen BDS-based Triple A chart - the first ranking on which it appeared before crossing to pop, adult and even R&B and Latin radio.
Triple A also championed Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know," featuring Kimbra, which, earlier this year led Triple A for 13 weeks and the Hot 100 for eight, making it a front-runner for this year's biggest Hot 100 hit.
Triple A likewise shone on Nielsen SoundScan's recently-released midyear sales tallies, where Adele's 21 ranked as the top-selling album of the first half of 2012 (3.7 million units) and Gotye's smash earned top-selling digital song honors (5.5 million downloads).
The success of "Somebody" especially underscores the format's swelling acceptance of new artists. The song's Triple A command began an active 23-week streak of artists reigning on their first visits to the survey (viewable at Following "Somebody," Of Monsters and Men's "Little Talks" led for four weeks and Alabama Shakes' "Hold On" ruled for one. As of this week, the Lumineers' "Ho Hey" has spent five weeks on top. Since the chart launched the week of Jan. 20, 1996, never before had four rookie acts reached No. 1 consecutively.
Other debut singles finding success at the format include Imagine Dragons' "It's Time" (at No. 2 this week), Ed Sheeran's "The A Team" (No. 3) and Grouplove's "Tongue Tied" (No. 6).
The success of "Somebody" especially underscores the format's swelling acceptance of new artists. The song's Triple A command began an active 23-week streak of artists reigning on their first visits to the survey (viewable at Following "Somebody," Of Monsters and Men's "Little Talks" led for four weeks and Alabama Shakes' "Hold On" ruled for one. As of this week, the Lumineers' "Ho Hey" has spent five weeks on top. Since the chart launched the week of Jan. 20, 1996, never before had four rookie acts reached No. 1 consecutively.
Other debut singles finding success at the format include Imagine Dragons' "It's Time" (at No. 2 this week), Ed Sheeran's "The A Team" (No. 3) and Grouplove's "Tongue Tied" (No. 6).
The domination of fresh triple A blood challenges the format's reputation as a haven for rock acts with decades-long discographies. Just one artist appears on this week's Triple A ranking whose Billboard chart history predates the '90s: Bonnie Raitt. A year ago this week, there were three (Paul Simon, Lenny Kravitz and the Cars). Five years ago this week, there were five.
Why a more favorable reception of somebodies that we previously didn't know?
Cumulus San Francisco director of FM programming Dennis Constantine, who oversees triple A KFOG, credits the impact of the digital era on consumer behavior in aiding new artists' growth. "More than ever, music is about songs. More people are buying downloads of individual songs than buying a full album. So, we're finding new, creative songs from unknown artists."
Triple A programmers and label promotion executives cite social media as helping demystify new artists. "The internet, mobile phone, Facebook and Twitter have accelerated familiarity to listeners who use these portals for music discovery," says Lauren MacLeash, PD of Clear Channel-owned KTCZ Minneapolis.
Why a more favorable reception of somebodies that we previously didn't know?
Cumulus San Francisco director of FM programming Dennis Constantine, who oversees triple A KFOG, credits the impact of the digital era on consumer behavior in aiding new artists' growth. "More than ever, music is about songs. More people are buying downloads of individual songs than buying a full album. So, we're finding new, creative songs from unknown artists."
Triple A programmers and label promotion executives cite social media as helping demystify new artists. "The internet, mobile phone, Facebook and Twitter have accelerated familiarity to listeners who use these portals for music discovery," says Lauren MacLeash, PD of Clear Channel-owned KTCZ Minneapolis.
Social media have buoyed promotion of Sheeran's debut single. "We could only get Ed to Nashville on a Monday and all the major venues there were sold out," Atlantic Records director of triple A promotion Brian Corona recalls. "With (Tuned In-owned) WRLT's relationship with 3rd and Lindsley Bar and Grill, we were able to schedule a 6 p.m. showcase. Through social media messaging, when arrived at sound check at 3, there were already more than 200 people there, camped out and lined up around the block."
The building popularity of multi-artist festivals likewise plays into triple A's riches of new talent.
"SXSW this year was huge for the Lumineers," says Dualtone director of promotions Lori Kampa. "I was lucky enough to be at some of the band's first headlining shows afterward and fans were singing along to almost every word." Additionally citing synchs, including Fox's "American Idol," Kampa says that when Dualtone began promoting "Ho Hey" to radio, awareness of the group was already high. "It was a record that made sense for programmers to step out on because we had built amazing success that continued to grow."
At its best, Chris Mays, PD of Alpha's KINK Portland, Ore., muses, triple A programming is a "balancing act" of the best new artists and old favorites: "How can you resist playing the Black Keys alongside a classicRolling Stones song?"
MacLeash says that the current success of triple A's newer acts ultimately promises benefits going forward.
"Popular music comes in cycles. The pendulum is swinging in triple A's favor," she says. "Adele, Gotye, Jason Mraz and others being accepted by top 40 means that the young end is into the new music we play. Long-term, that's so important to our survival."
"SXSW this year was huge for the Lumineers," says Dualtone director of promotions Lori Kampa. "I was lucky enough to be at some of the band's first headlining shows afterward and fans were singing along to almost every word." Additionally citing synchs, including Fox's "American Idol," Kampa says that when Dualtone began promoting "Ho Hey" to radio, awareness of the group was already high. "It was a record that made sense for programmers to step out on because we had built amazing success that continued to grow."
At its best, Chris Mays, PD of Alpha's KINK Portland, Ore., muses, triple A programming is a "balancing act" of the best new artists and old favorites: "How can you resist playing the Black Keys alongside a classicRolling Stones song?"
MacLeash says that the current success of triple A's newer acts ultimately promises benefits going forward.
"Popular music comes in cycles. The pendulum is swinging in triple A's favor," she says. "Adele, Gotye, Jason Mraz and others being accepted by top 40 means that the young end is into the new music we play. Long-term, that's so important to our survival."
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